Scratch Post

25 March 2006

[Work] So ...

So there I was talking to another PM on Friday about life and working habits. When it came to the topic of not overworking, getting old, having more fun I was totally nodding in agreement.

So there I was today pulak in office from afternoon to 11pm working my butt off; with full plans to work a long day tomorrow too.

So what gives? I guess the work piled up - trying to closing a project that's refusing to die*; and at the same time working on a new project - trying to mobilize and plan for something large (which I have never really ever, so it's a steep learning curve); trying to incorporate better project practices and unlearn bad practices; and also trying to get some key things done before my long absence.

So after all that load of justification - maybe the simple truth is that I'm still a work addict and probably will be like this for most of my life.

So if:
WBS Task = "Loosen Up"
Status = "WIP Delayed" :)

*It's like a chicken whose neck got sliced but not properly, and now it's running all over the kampung bumping into things, just running, running and running without any control or regard for what it's splashing around either.


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