Scratch Post

05 July 2006

[Msia] It's The "Authorities" All Right !

Just when you start wondering about a humor-barren Msia post Ah Ling & Uncle Samy, we gotta be glad to have found comic relief from the next generation:


Costly to dismantle billboards Tuesday
July 4, 2006 SHAH ALAM: There are too many billboards in Petaling Jaya, but taking down the illegal ones would cost too much money, according to Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamed Khir Toyo.

Acknowledging that these billboards had turned into eyesores, he blamed the authorities for failing to nip the problem in the bud. The mess was a result of lack of supervision, he told reporters after the state assembly sitting here yesterday.

"I do not want Petaling Jaya to be congested with billboards. I do not even like to see flyers on lamp posts," said Dr Khir."This is the kind of serabut (mess) that happens when there is no proper supervision from the beginning when the problem started," he added. (subsq content snipped)

Blame "the authorities"?!?!?! What the ikan?!?!?! Eh brudder, whatdya been doin for the past few years as MB la?

And later on, as an encore, I read that a solution proposed by Khir Toyo to solve this problem was to introduce ..... (drum roll) ..... electronic billboards!!! Not only does the man have comical talent, he is a sheer genius.

PS: Loved that upgrade to city status. All us PJ inhabitants were so damn hard up for recognition undue.


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