Scratch Post

29 September 2006

[Work] VSIT

This project is in nearly all aspects different from the previous one. And as such, the learning curve has been a steep climb. Have been mentally stretched and forced to adapt. Am still alive so guess that's as much as I can ask for. Been a while since I put pics up, so here are some:

Pic: Cindy & Sandy - 2 great ladies from the QA team

Pic: HCL folks Smita & Rhaoul in charge of SOA layer

It's late at night, everyone's disgruntled and weary. So a wrong word can easily errupt waves of suppressed anger and frustration.

And it's typical to see folks lash out at each other with bags of junk food (Mamee vs Twistees). It's a deadlock.... until Paul whips out the Cadbury sweets and whacks me with an unfair disadvantage. Whatever I did, guess I deserved it anyway


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