Scratch Post

01 January 2007

[Self] Act 4

Dec 06 felt pretty much like a prelude to the final act of one of Wodehouse's Jeeves episodes. Typically where the characters & their idosyncracies, subplots and all havoc has to break loose as part of the path to the pinnacle - just before things sum themselves up nicely.

There but not quite there yet, there's something amiss. Oh well, a quick laundry list:
- Zeek has no.2, and even with Lil' Zeek I am officially "Uncle Keen" which is not that bad a deal
- I close a project, and am sent immediately to another at the island down south (not Oz)
- My new tenants can mimick the Moroccan pretty well ... "I pay! I pay!!"
- Listened to a Brit monk do some talks which felt more like standup comedy - cool dude he was
- When I look at the mirror in the lift, I see more white hairs than I can ever recall
- A quick convergance of old friends in a brief time span, and just as quickly dissapation.

So like I said, definitely not the final one .... feels like an Act 4 though. But, the people who are good friends, acquitances, colleagues, and pesky siblings & parents are generally fine. So that's as good as it gets.

And with many thanks - 2006 bowls over to 2007. Many personal thoughts aside - may Phoenix Suns win the trophy this year!


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