Scratch Post

16 November 2006

[Work] One Day Before Soft Launch

It's Twenty Three Forty Five now, and it's one day from closing (at least officially) P1 to get a the soft launch goin on. Joe dropped in around Twenty One ~ Twenty Two Hundred Hours after just 1 phone call from me, which is in turn attributed to Lan finding some probs with system performance.

So now, its just the waiting for some tests to go thru. See Joe do some diagnostics with the "instrumentations" (Joe is a cool source for tech stuff), and then wait some more I guess.

At least I know how fish bait must feel I guess. Waiting and waiting while there is no intellectual read-write activity in the brain. And to fill up time, there is only so much MSNBC I wanna read in a day (although there was cool stuff about McCain contemplating 08, Trent Lott's comeback, and Pelosi's short lived joy at retaking the House)

It's been another long day of another long week of another long month. So close but yet so bloody far .... Heck the floor does look mighty interesting to lie on for a while now though ....


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