[Self] 中国!
KUL-SHA: 03 Oct 07
SHA-KUL: 28 Oct 07
I'm still pissed and very bewildered that the tickets are more expensive than to Japan. But what the hell.
Time to check out those 名胜古迹 places, drink lots of tea, sail over parts of 三峡 (and hopefully try to catch a fragment of that "轻舟已过万重山" feeling), and whatever else there is there.
Next week: Get a visa, more travel planning needed. See if Mokers got my email yet or not.
SHA-KUL: 28 Oct 07
I'm still pissed and very bewildered that the tickets are more expensive than to Japan. But what the hell.
Time to check out those 名胜古迹 places, drink lots of tea, sail over parts of 三峡 (and hopefully try to catch a fragment of that "轻舟已过万重山" feeling), and whatever else there is there.
Next week: Get a visa, more travel planning needed. See if Mokers got my email yet or not.
That is the golden week !
Have you got the ticket yet? I might be able to offer you cheap ticket.
Chloe, at 12:04 AM
Alamak! Buy in full already la. BTW got any cheap places to recommend to stay in Beijing area?
Plus where to go in Beijing?
keensoon, at 9:41 AM
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