Scratch Post

17 February 2008

[Self] Persepolis

Although SG is pretty much a shopping paradise (yeah yeah - yours truly has to ramble again about how SG is basically 1 huge shopping mall), one thing I have learnt to appreciate is its "liberal" approach to allowing film screenings with minimal sensorship.

Hence, I managed to come across Persepolis which I knew I would never get from my increasingly rigido-paranoido-multifacatedphobico country of origin. I had high expectations after reading it from MSNBC and it did not disappoint.

Persepolis centers around the life of a young Iranian girl growing up in Iran (and abroad for a while) from the time of the Shah's downfall to recent times. It is not preachy and just sets the historical condition of Iran "as is", and uses that to touchingly tell a very human story.

Top marks for art direction and even more so for originality. The fact that that it was done via a cartoon only made the whole film more effective. Not the conventional cartoon one is accustomed from Japan (anime), USA TV cartoons (TV series), or USA animated movies (the Walt Disney-Pixar, Dreamworks type).

Only serves to prove a debate I once had with a friend of mine that sometimes cartoons can be more real than real life movies. I think Persepolis is up against Ratatouille*for the Academy Awards this year - and I'd say Persepolis is much more groundbreaking anytime.

*For some reason, Ratatouille seems to have received critical acclaim by Hollywood critics, but I still find it falling short from Monsters.


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