Scratch Post

14 March 2008

[Msia] Elections 08: T + 6

Heard an interesting quote today - "When you're in a hole ... keep digging".

Msian politicians:
- BN yes keep on harking back on policies that the colonial masters invented, you have absolutely no zeal or a creative thought on how to make Msian society better; you should be attracting talent and reform not hoarding zombies!
- Oppo parties the clock is ticking, start learning how to dance you are making unimportant squabbles, if you have a limited bank account for mis-steps - use them wisely for some governance implementation issues that are genuine!

- Monitor those on top closely always it doesn't matter which party is in charge of the administration it is always a matter of implementation. What are they implementing and how well?
- The country has to progress beyond race politicking, be pragmatic and realize class issues + economic competitiveness should be the 2 main drivers to upgrade Msia.


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