Scratch Post

30 July 2008

[Self] Bella

I've been listening to lesser known track on one of Jack Johnson's previous releases (cannot remember which one) which is beautiful. It is named "Bella", and lasts only about 1:30 minutes. 5 of song's only 7 lines are not English, so you use your imagination as to what the words could mean as the melody flows along.

Oi lienda

Bella che fa?
Bonita, bonita que tal?
But belle
Je ne comprends pas francais
So you´ll have to speak to me
Some other way

Yeah I know I could use bablefish to get it translated but some things are nice as they are and do not need to be perfected anymore! :)

16 July 2008

[Msia] Anwar vs Shabery Debate

Interesting stuff I managed to catch it on TV3 at 2300hrs - Siaran Tunggakan tell called it. It was refreshing to see an open debate where conflicting views were presented. But the government's rep Shabery was obviously disadvantaged in 3 key factors:

1- He wasn't well prepared
Which was obvious in the way he had several "pre-prepared" stories / lines that he threw in once in a while. I can recall some points which were obviously the results of some poorly organized roundtable prep session in Angkasapuri eg: Anwar & 1974, Petronas's contributions being the result of government support, critiques of Anwar when Anwar was in government. It just felt that the timing and contexts that he used these points were mostly "off".

2- He wasn't nimble enough
He threw some questions to Anwar, which were rather OK; but when the curveballs were thrown back to him either by Anwar or the panel members - Shabery just couldn't answer them properly most of the time, and went off tangent rather frequently - falling back on his pre-prepared texts.

3- Anwar is an entertainer
Yes Anwar is an opportunistic politico. But you cannot deny his entertainment value. Back as DPM he was known for his oratory skills and the press frequently gaggled at his sophisticated vocab (I know coz I actually subscribed to Utusan for a few years to beef up my BM). And tonight the entertainment value gap was clearly visible.

There are 2 other things noteworthy.
One - The old man on the panel was planted - cute touch there by the gov - devious desperation I feel. But the old man really could kutuk and was a tough fella. His question to Anwar was tough, and then his "question" to Shabery was a total giveaway for Shabery to whack Anwar.

Two - I was seriously distracted by Shabery's foaming. The more the guy talked, the more he foamed from the sides. I caught him using his tongue to tuck in the foam a few times! I have to admit I sometimes didn't even listen to what the guy was saying coz of that! Bloody hell, it was really so irritating I felt like wiping his mouth through the TV!!

Say what you may of Badawi - you have to admit the media has opened up a bit under him. Now if only we could get more politico talkshows and pundit-roundtable talks....

03 July 2008

[Msia] Just plain .... weird

So, like any Msian as of this evening and most likely tomorrow, I'm reading up about that big case involving a murdered Mongolian woman.

The Star had something on, and Malaysiakini of course had more details (you can actually sense The Star trying to wriggle and put out more but they simply cannot).

But as I readup, I just find a few things that are just plain .... weird ....

1) What the hell is it with Malaysian politicians and anal sex?!
- From the oppo leader being accused of that, and now the DPM being said to have done it ~~ it's come full circle, or should I say end-to-end? (bun intended)

2) The physics of evidence hiding
- It's morbid, but wouldn't (in terms of the laws of physics) it be easier to get rid of evidence if its in 1 piece; rather than blow it apart into a gazillion pieces?
Eg: If I were to get rid of rubbish, I'd pack it up into a plastic bag; not load it with C4s and scatter it around a 10mile radius.

3) Not So Subtle TIPTOES
- This is for The Star. It's online text mentioned a story btw a "senior politician" and a Mongolian woman, not daring to even mention the DPM's name. But in a weirder twist if you click in the name Najip appears quite frequently.
- For The Star again .... in the past few weeks in relation to the Justice Chin revelation, it mentioned about a "Former Prime Minister". Now given that we've only had 5 PMs in Msia - 3 of which have passed on, 1 is serving, hrmmm it didn't take too long for most of us to figure that remaining 1 "Former PM" toughie out.

I was originally going to bitch about the crap LRT system again but this was more interesting.