Scratch Post

31 January 2008

[Msia] Elections '08

There's been that trail of Iowa-New Hampshire - Michigan - Nevada - South Carolina - Florida, and Super Tuesday (I heard it as Tsunami Tuesday last time wonder why they changed it) is coming up. There's a lot of debate, spinning and mud slinging- and it's damn fun to watch politics in the US of A.

And yeah .... back home it's election time too, BUT unfortunately, we are reduced to choosing between:
a) Monkeys
b) Orange Utans

SIGH!!! .... Banana anyone?

25 January 2008

[wtH] KOF 2007

Just a few months before 2007 ended, I started playing KOF casually, and found I sucked tremendously in it!

Now, to my credit, I have tried to play it before ... ONE whole decade back then when it first came out ;) ..... when it was simply known as KOF. And before that, I did have serious NeoGeo sessions with my brother playing Fatal Fury and Fatal Fury 2. Fairly decent then using Mai and sucked using Andy Bogart (absent in KOF 07 what happened!?) but that was it.

And now, games are so bloody complex with all these weird arrow systems. Orang tua mana tahu buat such complex moves punya lah!!


16 January 2008

[Whoa!] Shoot 'Em Up

It's a movie to enjoy in guilt due to the absurd recklessness of ... well as the title says .. shoot 'em up.

Paul Giamatti was pretty good, I think he snuck in a line about sideways somewhere in the middle; and wowzers those crazy Americans and their 2nd Amendment!! (Although Clive Owen's character was a Brit)

15 January 2008

[Whoa!] Jazz Styles

Managed to catch snippets of Utah in action against Phoenix last week.

Although I'm rooting for Phoenix, man Jerry Sloan's style shows.

Not sure how, but the same gameplay that I enjoyed from Malone-Stockton-Hornacek kindof manifested somehow in Boozer and some of the younger players there. Too bad that Russian dude Kerilinko was out of action he's an amazing shotblocker.

And I just realized I've posted 2 entries about Jazz on the same night, albeit with very different meanings :)

[Msia] Jazz Selecta

Was doing work from home at around 2315. Did a bit of radio surfing and came across a contemporary snazzy rendition of "I'm In Heaven" (think it was originally by Fred Astaire?).

Hey not bad I thought, "What's this radio station?" as the song ends and fades off.

And then that lousy jinggle of a "Trax FM" destroys the magic, but they make it up with some more good tunes. Well, at least they make an effort; but they were much better (at least I recall) when they were known as Radio 4 and even earlier The Blue Network.

14 January 2008

[wtH] Naruto Deprived

It's been 2 weeks and no new Naruto strips yet..... and worse still its the only manga I bother to follow these days.

Rasengan !!

Ooooi !!!

Hayaku !!!

10 January 2008

[wtH] Stagnant

brackish, dead, dirty, dormant, filthy, foul, idle, immobile, inactive, inert, lifeless, listless, passive, putrid, quiet, sluggish, stale, standing, static, stationary, still, unmoving

anesthetized, apathetic, asleep, boring, callous, cold, deadened, dull, flat, frigid, glassy, glazed, inert, insensitive, insipid, lukewarm, numb, numbed, paralyzed, senseless, spiritless, stagnant, stale, still, tasteless, torpid, unfeeling, unresponsive, vapid, wooden

accustomed, apathetic, blank, boring, callous, colorless, dead, depressed, empty, even, flat, heavy, impassible, inactive, indifferent, inert, insensible, jejune, languid, lifeless, listless, lumpy, monotonous, passionless, placid, quiet, regular, routine, slack, slow, sluggish, spiritless, stagnant, still, stolid, torpid, unexciting, unresponsive, unsympathetic, usual, vacuous

02 January 2008

[Msia] Politicians on Facebook

It's another 2 days to the Iowa caucus, and American politics is dazzling & confounding at the same time.

Anyway, back home - I did a quick search on facebook for the 4 main politicos I could think of. Here are the results as of 02Jan08.

Note: I do admit I first keyed in another politician's name to see if there were any proud and mighty Labis bits but nada.

1) Abdullah Badawi - no sign of the PM.

2) Ong Ka Ting - If that single entry is really the MCA Chief - he should fire his publicist. But at least he generated a BN profile somehow.

3) Samy Vellu - There's a Dato listed but doesn't seem to be good ol' Uncle Samy ...

4) Lim Kit Siang - now he was the only guy who had an actual complete profile!

01 January 2008

[wtH] Giggles

giggle, giggle, giggly-giggs ;)

Maybe the previous Chua will make a comeback (the one with a moustache and glasses) ... OR .... Yoda (Ah Ting)?? :D