Scratch Post

29 April 2007

[wtH!] Shiver Me Finances!

Fifteen men on a dead man’s chest
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum

Drink and the devil be done for the rest
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum

Punchup the calculator and do the numbers
Yo ho ho I need more than a bloody bottle of rum!!

~ Last Words from "Month-End Keen O'Kosong" as he gurgled unintelligently thereafter and plunged inexplicably further into the netherdepths of postmodern blue-collar proletarianism

[Self] St James Powerhouse

Was a rather nice night out at St James Powerhouse lately. Some pics with the folks...

Pic: Jittos gets a light saber in his nose

Pic: I can't get the darn cherry out

Pic: Ham and JiYin can't get the darn cherry out either

Pic: Aha! Gotcha you darn cherry!

Pic: 2 great kids doing some rather obscene stuff

24 April 2007

[Self] Quick Dish

Some weeks back - a quick impromptu with some leftover ingrediants I had.

21 April 2007

[wtH!] You Can Bank On It

Here's a snapshot of 2 overworked and highly stressed PMs (from different companies) talking about FSI projects .... it''s interesting how the infra and systems can continue to function sometimes in the first place!

Anyway, enjoy the modern-life horror story!

Me 说:I am very rushed
Me 说:u leh
SomeBody 说:same here
SomeBody 说:bugger
SomeBody 说:seriously
Me 说:tot u have honeymoon now
SomeBody 说:after i hear the horror stories of BANKSOMEWHERE, anything less then a 1000 bugs is impressive
Me 说:Production bugs or UAT bugs
SomeBody 说:production
SomeBody 说:when we cutover, got people calling in BANKSOMEWHERE asking why they got more money
Me 说:
eh dude how the hell can production have 1000 plus errors one?
Me 说:
that is like no testing just taruh into production la
SomeBody 说:can
Me 说:that is damn wild la
Me 说:even my project the SOME REFERENCE TO PREVIOUS PROJECT one not like that
Me 说:damn (expletive) la
Me 说:what is the time frame for the 1000 bugs?
SomeBody 说:hahaha
Me 说:1 month or 1 year or 10 years? Gimme the context
SomeBody 说:there was MULTIPLE PARTIES NAMED pressure to go live
SomeBody 说:1 month
Me 说:
Ah .... typical la
SomeBody 说:put it this way
Me 说:
SomeBody 说:they did 4 dry runs
SomeBody 说:and compared balance
SomeBody 说:1st dry run, out by 10 mil SOMECURRENCY
SomeBody 说:2nd dry run, out by 5 million SOMECURRENCY
SomeBody 说:3rd dry run out by 1000 SOMECURRENCY (illegal branch code)
SomeBody 说:4th dry run, out by 20 million SOMECURRENCY
SomeBody 说:
then go live
SomeBody 说:bwahahahhahahahaha
Me 说:
Me 说:
So they used the 3rd dry run as the baseline la?
Me 说:as long as did not lose 1000 million ... ok la
SomeBody 说:haha

11 April 2007

[wtH!] Yucky Curry

Bloody hell, I just made a pot of absolutely yucky curry. I cannot remember making a curry so vile ever! There was a prelude to the disaster when it turned watery and sweet (not even in the Japanese curry sense), and when trying to save it by adding more curry powder it turned gooey and chunky. Throwing in more tamarind and spices into the pot was like giving CPR to a mummy.

A total waste of salmon parts.

That conspiracy theory must be correct - after working here for quite a few months, I think the air & water is slowly making me more ~~~ Singaporean (and that by default explains the bad cooking experience). Must ..... fight ..... it .......

And I needed to teach myself a lesson so I ate the whole damn thing.

10 April 2007

[Self] Normalcy

It just got a little more process-in-motion
... lately

But not to a resting point
... yet

Weird just waiting for
... what's next

The known, probablities and the unknown

A wee bit idle, but so wrongly restless