[Work] Scope In Or Scope Out
Logged into my timesheet for today .... and its barely over at 2300hrs BKK time.Client is actually OK, but its their right to feel what some scope goes in, but in the end a project is defined by the profitability (or otherwise if its of a different objective).... so you have to force yourself to be bad for the sake of the sheer need to be so.
[Work] Man Day Estimates
Man, think you know project mgmt? Think again.Think you got some trivial stuff covered, or knew really well or assumed it was a piece of cake ..... until you are consistently challenged on those fundamentals. Then you realize how much more improvement there can be. And all this few day's worth of headaching was purely on man days estimation. It is interesting noting the different way people process and assume; and correspondingly how diff PM's man days will deviate so widely from each other. Which in turn makes me understand more why some old foggies I knew from PMI back a few years asked a question - "Is project management a science or an art?" with a twinkle in their eyes.
At the end of it all - its a learning process. Now back to crunching man day estimates.
[Humour] Good Ol' Uncle Samy
This recent posting I got from my newsgroup really cracked me up. Loved political banter back then - still love it.
There is a tug of nostalgia though - only Uncle Samy is active these days. The current succession of our public entertainers are really dissapointing .... the latest crop got no "uuumph". Radicals, opportunists, or simply incompetents without any talent for mishumour.
[WhatNext] The Pokai Tune
1:51 am.... will be flying off to BKK again soon in a few hours. But I'm still doing something for a Phase 2A SOW presales work. Have been damn tired the whole day has been work, running errands, met a good friend for a quick coffee, and then back to work again. And just now I signed a cheque valued RM 4,600 for my youngest brother's Semester 1 at One Academy. Signed it with a lot of grumbling and setting up them emotional blackmail traps (to be used over the next few years).... darn kids these days!! At least I am splitting the bill with No. 2. After that I laid on the floor moaning (theatrics come hand-in-hand with the emotional blackmailing), and with a sudden burst of energy sprang up with a tune ~~ it had a Japanese folksong kindof influence to it, then danced a bit while humming the lyrics that went like this:"Pokai-pokai-pokai-pokai-pokai-pokai-pokai-pokai... ~~ UAY~~ !!" (repeat a few times) And now, I can simulate that draining twitch in the face my dad used to suffer from back in my own college days.
[wtH] Air Ugh-sia
Yeah the folks at Air Asia are at it again. Another 3:15 pm flight that turns out to be 4:45 pm instead. Sitting here with wireless access (damn expensive) blogging and killing time. Also noticing weird human behaviour - the folks who queued up earlier (when they announced the flight would be delayed t0 4:15 pm) are still at the line. It's either a dumbass thing, or a strict perseverence thing I guess.
[wtH] Eggs!!
Its the new year and I am already kindof pissed off with .... eggs. Yes, you read it read it right - eggs!!! I go to a supermarket looking for eggs, just plain old eggs; but I cannot find any. I do find however ... "Farmer Fresh" Eggs, "Low Cholesterol" Eggs, "Xtra Large Eggs" and whole junkshelf full of eggs trying to hyper-differentiate against the brand competing next to it. It's really pathetic. I just want a bloody plain "billet-doux" that comes out of a hen's arse. And not some pretentious calcium formation that charges a premium of 50%-100% for simply looking oval. Nothing fancy, nothing packaged, pre-packaged or post-packaged to accommodate to my discerning lifestyle. It's ain't a cigar or a business suit - I just want the damn thing that you crack - and lo behold a yolk & slimy white goo oozes out! I guess you could say I am all .... "eggy" over this. (OK, so my bad humour is still intact, and I am more disgruntled than pissed - so Keen is still good ol' Keen - heading to a town near you!)