Scratch Post

23 July 2006

[Self] Sorega Kotaeda!

それが答えだ! エンヤコラ明日へ大爆走 それが答えだ!
足並みは快調 エブリバディ、強引でも不安じゃねぇ
今は世界がぬるくて 流されそーです そーなんです

今宵も浮かれて やっちまいそーです そーなんです
バンと胸を張れ そう、グッと足を出せ どんな青いケツでも いーじゃない いざ行こう

あれでもない これでもない 人知れず 迷えど おノリなさい はじまりは これから

それが答えだ! ナンダコラ明日へ大爆走 それが答えだ!

まちがいは愛嬌 エブリバディ、強引でも不安じゃねぇ
どこへ行くのか 誰かれ 忙しそーです そーなんです ひとりじゃ 情熱も チョチョぎれそーです そーなんです もっとドジをふめ 自分を好きになれ げに しょーもないことも いーじゃない ドンとこい

来てくれない レスキュー隊 親知らず 悩めど おヤリなさい 楽しみはこれから
うんと飯を喰え ガハハと笑い飛ばせ 答えは風まかせ 人生は ステキー Oh, yeah!

そーです そーなんです まさに そのとーり そーです
それが答えだ! まだまだ地球はまわる それが答えだ! 燃えやがれ太陽 エブリバディ、ど派手に Find your way

それが答えだ! そーです そーなんです それが答えだ! そーです そーなんです それが答えだ! そーです そーなんです それが答えだ! エブリバディ、強引でも不安じゃねえ

That's a song me and my bro first heard from the ULFULS, way back in 1996 I think. I got him their videography DVD (song and MTV) when I was in Japan in April. Here's the translation for "Sorega Kotaeda"! If it doesn't make too much sense - it's probably due cultural differences and the gambarimasu way of life.

(Lead Singer mumbles a bit first - it's a prelude thing)
Ah, what should I call this sad feeling in my heart?
It's bitter sweet, and feelings are really welling up inside of me
In these repeating and endless days I'm gonna sing about something fun!

That's the answer! Moving toward tomorrow with a heave-ho
That's the answer! At an excellent pace
Everybody, it's rough, but don't worry

Right now, the world is warm; it seems to be turning, that's right

I'm in a good mood tonight, it seems like I'm gonna do it, that's right
Hold your head high with a bang That's right, keep your feet firmly planted
Even if you're dealing with some inexperienced asshole, it's alright, go now
This isn't it, that's not it I'm not secretly confused

Hop in, from here on out it begins

That's the answer!

Moving toward tomorrow with a "what the hell?!"
That's the answer! Mistakes are attractive
Everybody, Everybody, it's rough, but don't worry

Where are you going? Everyone seems so busy, that's right

Being all alone just seems to kill off my enthusiasm, that's right
Watch where you're walking a little bit better Learn

to like yourself It's alright that there's no helping but to be that way, get on up

The rescue party isn't coming I'm worried about my wisdom teeth

But please just have fun from this point on

Eat a lot of food Let out a laugh like "gahaha!" Leave the answer to the wind, and life is wonderful, oh, yeah!

That's right, that's right Surely that's how it is, that's right

That's the answer! The world is still turning

That's the answer! Go on and burn sun Everybody, gaudily find your way
That's the answer! That's right, that's right That's the answer!

That's right, that's right That's the answer! That's right, that's right
That's the answer! Everybody, it's rough, but don't worry

[Self] Books

I have this weird love affair with books, ie I simply love them! I blew away quite a lot last week on some books after spending an entire afternoon at Borders. But I somehow seem to have collected a lot more than I can bite - the backlog:
> Audiobooks - at least 100hrs of unheard stuff.
> Books - 2 halfway read, 2 yet to open, 1 abandoned (due to its dryness and theoretical but dumb linkage to real business), and at least 4 that I want to re-read for rejuv of ideas.

Time to do more reading (over a great cup of java), and in between .... jot down ideas onto paper!

16 July 2006

[Self] Tactical Actually

In the middle of somethings
Somethings that don't have clarity
So with all the action you need to take, or have taken
Time is still a factor
That has to ride itself out
So what with the process
Just ponder and hopefully strategize
Except that the real definition of strategy
Is to really take control of things and events
And to let things or even the uncertainties work to your benefit
So in my case, it's tactical actually

13 July 2006

[Msia] Wow! Gov Efficiency!

Recently encountered 2 instances of government efficiency. I kid you not!

1) Police Report @ Sentul Police Station
- Had to make one recently, was in and out in less than 10 mins!
- Told this to the guys, Zeek laughed saying they had to be at Sentul due to the high crime rate there but still was quite a nice surprise.

2) Tax Refund
- Never expected this ever, but I received a letter from LHDN today telling me that I would be receiving a tax refund of RM 387.05 via cheque soon.
- Sure the letter had some mistakes on it (suspect system generated), and there is always the possibility someone is having fun at my expense.

Dare I believe in the unbelievable?

12 July 2006

[Self] Poetic Whooosh

There is something poetic about dribbling the ball on court on a humid Sunday afternoon, and as some waves of wind brustle by erratically, you shoot the ball and it goes "whooosh" straight through the basket... nothing but net.

05 July 2006

[Work] Twisted Cycle

04 July 06
0845hrs, at old Thrifty junction heading towards Menara Axis: OK, leaving for home early today by 6:30pm.
1200hrs, blissfully ignorant of the email tundra of problems accummulating in my mailbox: OK, I guess I can be back by 6:30pm.
1500hrs: OK, leaving for home early today by 6:30pm.
1700hrs: OK, leaving for home early today by 6:30pm. But let's do some more work and finish off some stuff which has been owed internally for a long time.
1830hrs: Oooh I am on track. But I can jam another 10 mins and get this doc done. No probo.
1930hrs, a few docs later: Ah crap, if I rush back now I can still be home by 8:30pm.
2100hrs, at the bloody LRT station, cursing the LRT machines (different story): A shot of self-pity, promise myself today was just a lapse that was beyond control.
2300hrs, with a friend and 3 beers later: Well, the good co. made up for it lah. But still I have a ton of work to rush out.

05 July 06
0200hrs, tired like hell: Well, tomorrow is gonna be different!! I am leaving home by 6:30 to hell with the world.
1845hrs, after blog-bitching for 5 mins: Uh oh, dammit .... here we go again.

[Msia] It's The "Authorities" All Right !

Just when you start wondering about a humor-barren Msia post Ah Ling & Uncle Samy, we gotta be glad to have found comic relief from the next generation:


Costly to dismantle billboards Tuesday
July 4, 2006 SHAH ALAM: There are too many billboards in Petaling Jaya, but taking down the illegal ones would cost too much money, according to Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamed Khir Toyo.

Acknowledging that these billboards had turned into eyesores, he blamed the authorities for failing to nip the problem in the bud. The mess was a result of lack of supervision, he told reporters after the state assembly sitting here yesterday.

"I do not want Petaling Jaya to be congested with billboards. I do not even like to see flyers on lamp posts," said Dr Khir."This is the kind of serabut (mess) that happens when there is no proper supervision from the beginning when the problem started," he added. (subsq content snipped)

Blame "the authorities"?!?!?! What the ikan?!?!?! Eh brudder, whatdya been doin for the past few years as MB la?

And later on, as an encore, I read that a solution proposed by Khir Toyo to solve this problem was to introduce ..... (drum roll) ..... electronic billboards!!! Not only does the man have comical talent, he is a sheer genius.

PS: Loved that upgrade to city status. All us PJ inhabitants were so damn hard up for recognition undue.