Scratch Post

20 November 2006

[Whoa!] Tissues' Wedding - Dinner 2

The humiliation and drinking sessions. Wipes anyone?

[Whoa!] Tissues' Wedding - Dinner

Wedding Dinner was a blast. Pics first, story later. The folks who came.

[Whoa!] Tissues' Wedding - Church

Pics from Tissues' church wedding on 18Nov06.

16 November 2006

[Work] One Day Before Soft Launch

It's Twenty Three Forty Five now, and it's one day from closing (at least officially) P1 to get a the soft launch goin on. Joe dropped in around Twenty One ~ Twenty Two Hundred Hours after just 1 phone call from me, which is in turn attributed to Lan finding some probs with system performance.

So now, its just the waiting for some tests to go thru. See Joe do some diagnostics with the "instrumentations" (Joe is a cool source for tech stuff), and then wait some more I guess.

At least I know how fish bait must feel I guess. Waiting and waiting while there is no intellectual read-write activity in the brain. And to fill up time, there is only so much MSNBC I wanna read in a day (although there was cool stuff about McCain contemplating 08, Trent Lott's comeback, and Pelosi's short lived joy at retaking the House)

It's been another long day of another long week of another long month. So close but yet so bloody far .... Heck the floor does look mighty interesting to lie on for a while now though ....

12 November 2006

[wtH] Crapo Day

Today's crapo day has been a bit more physically punishing than the usual ho-hum:

- Had to go back to work. And as if that is not bad enough....
- Broke my coffee pot, and in the process cut two fingers. One was particular nasty, bled a lot till it finally dried up after lots of blood caked cotton wool bonded with the wound.
- Then, stubbornly went to play basketball, played miserably couldn't shoot properly with the cuts, and then fought for a rebound and sprained my back. Coz of the way I jumped to get an angle, I think I sprained myself in 2 spots so I have very very limited movement capability now.
- And then a dumbass move and had a minor burn over dinner.

Gosh did I kena someone's jampi or something?

10 November 2006

[Self] Mid Term Elections

The US mid term elections are over :(

Too bad I was too busy with work to actually really bum in front of TV watching pundits swarm over predictions and 'in-depth' analysis; ads so misleading and dirty they are downright a pleasure to listen to / watch.

And back to reality where some Johor Menteri Besar stomps on the concept of racial harmony and does not even get a slap on the wrist for it at all.

06 November 2006

[wtH] Transformers The Movie (Not The Cartoon Version)

OK, the director who was chosen to do it sucks.

The trailer was boring as hell. And it yeah it sucked too. All americano gumbo for 2 long minutes about space exploration and some drone getting squashed with a hint of a 'menacing shadow'.

But when Megatron starts looking like a pile of shredded metal muscle - you know that the upcoming movie is going to be a major suckfest. And hell, I cannot even imagine what Optimus is gonna look like.