Scratch Post

27 August 2007

[Self] Social Democrat

Took an online test, not sure how accurate it is, but it seems I am an embracer of "Social Democratism".

Quick synopsis: The Social Democratic current came into being by a break within the Socialist movement in the early 20th century. One reformist group of Socialists rejected the idea of a Socialist revolution, and instead tried to achieve the Socialist ideals through Democratic means. Social Democrats are in favor of a highly regulated Capitalist market economy, but with a strong and large government [Moderate Interdependence]. Social Democracy is often considered the most commonly embraced political ideology in the world.

Darn, so I am not a revolutionist after all. Guess the role of violent jamming heads onto the wall goes to someone else then.

I say ol' chaps, let's reform things through peaceful and democratic means then, with a strong bias for helping the less marginalized classes then.

23 August 2007

[Whoa!] PMO Secrets Revealed

How did Scott Adams find out what really really goes on inside PMOs?
This was really a heartwarming one BTW ...

22 August 2007

[wtH] BL

Damn, I haven't laughed out loud some many times in a short period.

Bloody hell Boston Legal is really good shit. This is the first time I've seen something on Season 2 though.

18 August 2007

[Self] My Move

I'd reckon in chess (and in Risk) you make play based on an approach in mind; and after a series of initial moves and reactions, which are culminations of the underlying larger strategy - you eventually have to reveal your hand and make the first move as part of the larger events that you plan to unfold.

I guess on many personal and professional fronts, the next few weeks will require something of a similar nature. But will it end up like a Normandy (hell at first with risks but eventually successful) or a Borodino (successful event unto itself but ultimately led to a longer term defeat)?

My move soon ... then we shall see if the cards fall into place or not.

15 August 2007

[Work] Livin' On A Prayer

For those who know - I was thrown into this runaway tough SG project end of 06 and have been trying to manage it since.

Just got the project financials for last month, and while things are somewhat stabilized Bon Jovi's chorus from "Living On A Prayer" immediately came to play in the mind.


13 August 2007

[Self] Life Stats

It's a rare luxury to channel surf back at home. Some of the "new" channels are darn good stuff (love the History Channel and also Discovery Science). Anyway, there was this statistics science show called "Million to One". Intriguing stats stuff with deadpan Brit humour.

But its the ending that was really funny, it goes along the lines:

If you had a bad day, think of all the improbability it took to get you to exist (montage and voiceover as it goes from the comsic angle to evolution to mating) in the first place ....

Then after smiling silly and feeling really good about your own existance and self being; the host goes to say, "So, although your chances of death are about 100%, think about how statistically hard it was to get you to exist in the first place." Shrugs and walks off.

Bloody hell - brilliant stuff.

04 August 2007

[Self] Lost Season 4

Lost Season 3 was a largely a nonchalant yawn. The only saving grace was the last episode (blew my mind out, had to see the last 10 mins again).

Anyway, I'm going to apply to be in the script writing team for Lost Season 4. I am more than qualified.

Imagine, an island shrouded in many mysteries ..... various people with a multitude of issues trying to make sense of life, each with his/her sinister and screwed up personal story ...... scrummaging for fresh water ..... trying to make sense of the weirdness of what the island entails .....

Yeah, Lost Season 4 is all about Singapore all right! How about this scene:

------- SCENE START -------
Jack [Holding a revolver threateningly]: Kate, put down that plate of "Sing Chow Mee" (he as a gwailo will pronounce it as "Sheeng Tshaow Meay")

Sawyer [Holding another revolver at Jack]: Awwww no you don't .... doc.

[Kate is looking at the Sing Chow Mee desperately, she hesitates and is not sure what to do]


Kate: But what about The Others? They will be here anytime soon!!

Jack [Moves in towards her]: Dammit Kate, drop it now!

Sawyer [Disables the safety with a "kuh-lick", Jack steps back]: I'd be reckoning you allow Freckles to do what she be wanting to do.... [Sawyer does that wry smile again]

Jack: But you don't understand!

[Some sound arising from the sea, and then submarine #2 surfaces]
[SG Dude makes his debut finally!]

SG Dude: Yeah, so you guys ordered a dozen Old Chang Kee puffs?

------- SCENE END -------