Scratch Post

24 September 2007

[Self] Adventurism

Due to a stream of nice jazz tunes and songs on Lite N Easy on Sunday night, I decided to just extend my drive around.

And I passed by a place that I've not for quite a while. It was the teachers' training centre just beside the Securities Commission and the National Science Centre.

And I remember a time when Kth and I just did some crazy impromptu stuff there for the TSS project. Dumb & naive but life had more bounce then - a time when I was younger with more passion, too much drive and a whackier sense of adventurism.

Which have evaporated now. And I seem to have become contented with life's tedium and the drudgery of routine.

In many ways, I am a disappointment to my own self.

18 September 2007

[wtH!] Aye Captain Haddock!

Captain Haddock has gotta be one of the coolest fictional characters ever.

There's a certain ingenuity in the way he curses - funny, rich in vocab, but never vulgar. Wish I had even such a streak of inventiveness in me.

Oh well, no harm learning from the best though, a few great ones:

Blistering Barnacles! (my favorite from young)
Bashi Bazouks! (another favorite from young)
Thundering Typhoons! (another favorite from young)
Dictatorial Duck-Billed Diplodocus!
Freshwater Swabs!
Macrocephalic Baboon!
Ectoplasmic By Product!
Lily-livered landlubbers!
Certified ignoramus !

13 September 2007

[wtH] Too long in SG

You know you've stayed a wee bit too long in SG when you:

- End sentences with the expression "leh" instead of "lah"
- Hop onto the Putra Line, and wonder if going from "Taman Bahagia to KLCC" is the same as going from "Tampines to City Hall"
- Feel NORMAL food in KL / PJ tastes so damn good!
- Nearly get run over by a &*%$#@ car who refused to stop and let you cross at the pedestrian crossing
- Wonder what is going to show on Channel 5 tonight
- Wish that Starbucks in Msia served Chai Latte too :(
- Line up and feel "hey this is cool man!" ... instead of elbowing all competition away

But hell, it is good to be home for a longer while!

07 September 2007

[Self] 中国!

KUL-SHA: 03 Oct 07
SHA-KUL: 28 Oct 07

I'm still pissed and very bewildered that the tickets are more expensive than to Japan. But what the hell.

Time to check out those 名胜古迹 places, drink lots of tea, sail over parts of 三峡 (and hopefully try to catch a fragment of that "轻舟已过万重山" feeling), and whatever else there is there.

Next week: Get a visa, more travel planning needed. See if Mokers got my email yet or not.