[Msia] Sexy School Uniforms
In some countries, summer is known as the "silly season". Since we folks in equatorial Msia have summer all year round, I guess we are blessed with the bestest of silliness full time & full blown.
Now, since the 08March08 election results, let's fast forward a bit to today:
- MIC's Uncle Samy has gone into some corner hiding (and we do miss his antics although toll hikes seem to have not occurred for a while....)
- UMNO is facing some crisis of sorts (again)
- MCA leaders have been accused of doing mightly saucily naughtily thingilies
There's been a lack of silliness lately as our bureaucrats are somewhat occupied. So, we thank a Munirah Bahari for filling in the void, she declared that school uniforms in Msia are too sexy!
Disclaimer From Serious Research: I typed in "sexy school uniform" in Google Images and found this first image. I know I've left the education system for many years, but I could have sworn this is not what the Msian school kids are wearing these days.
Now this sounds trivial, but Munirah Bahari must have done some serious number crunching to establish some linkage. So sexy school uniforms lead to social ills, which in turn leads to mass moral decay in holy Msian society, which blah blah blahs, and in return yadda yadda yaddas .... and when you square root that, and apply some alpha factorial coefficient - the result is the destruction of Msia and everything else good on earth!!
I say burn those sexy school uniforms!! BURN and get them out of our superficially purist society!!! But uh, what do the kids wear after that la?