Scratch Post

30 June 2008

[Self] 3 Residen

It was a rather fast purchase motivated partially by cinapek profit mentality and also strongly influenced by a personal weakness for cool concepts.

The cinapek side - prices were expected to go up due to revisions and materials cost hikes lately. Crossed referenced that against other developers around town.

The conceptual weakness side - what can I say there is a TRANSFORMABLE door / unit thing going on* ;) ... And it is called 3 Residen coz it was supposed to celebrate Negara Properties' 33rd anniversary (short lived they were swallowed by Sime Darby), each block has a cool 3 sided triangular concept, and is built on 3.33 hectres of land. My unit is supposed to face Bukit Tabur (as of now limited future construction only bungalows allowed) so I hope it will be windy which I really like.

Of course, my cash flow is totally whacked now. But hell I've rolled the dice. Now I've got to figure how to make my place look nicer than this, or have more TRANSFORMABLE parts :D

*A living room can transform into a small study / makeshift bedroom.

23 June 2008

[Self] RIP George Carlin

Another great star - George Carlin has passed away, just after Tim Russert passed on a week ago :(

Feels like one of those things you need to get used to as you age ....

RIP George Carlin, you were a comedy genius, and I'll need to get the two Bill & Ted movies sometime soon....

15 June 2008

[Self] RIP - Tim Russert

I first came across Tim Russert back when I started working & finally had some money to subscribe to satelite TV. Being a political junkie, I was blown away by his toughness in grilling guests on Meet The Press.

And over the years, I became a loyal viewer. There was a lot of cool stuff - baiting, catch & reeling. As much as his guests would like to evade the question, he usually caught them with the cold hard facts.

Last week, I got the podcast (video version) where he hosted a long moderation session with his "Dream Political Team". And just now I was flipping around and thinking of what would come on MTP later as I suddenly saw a snippet on CNBC that said - Tim Russert (1950-2008).

Checked that online, and found out Tim Russert had passed away. It will be really hard finding someone who can grill politicos the way he does. The closest to that was the old chap from BBC's Hardtalk who seemed to have passed the baton so its kindof tame now.

Anyway, RIP Tim Russert.

[wtH] Finally ! Game Over !!

他妈的! 打了好几天...... (虽然历史程序完全不对劲) 终于利用了魏延大将打败了孙坚集团一伙!

13 June 2008

[Self] Basket Talking

I love BBall, and even the monotone in me gets emotional when I realize with age comes diminshing abilities to rebound or drive to the hoop; or when I shoot exceptional well one day, and then exceptional shitty the next.

It is NBA Finals time again. And yes I am still bewildered (and in denial) at how can a crummy Euro football tournament esclipse the NBA Finals - but this is not the topic today.

I do however have a bone to pick with the NBA and the media. As of today, it is Celtics 3 - Lakers 1. And every article or commentary keeps on rehashing about how the 2 clubs have some outstanding history of rivalry in the NBA since forevermore.

In sports - rivalries is synonymous to chest thumping, trash talk, testosteronish male bonding, and of course high TV ratings. Back in the golden age of MJ & the Bulls, it was them vs the Pistons, and later on the Knicks (and later on arguably the Jazz). Now ... that was a tradition of hostility, extreme competitiveness leading to "in your face dunks", kneeing, hard fouls.

BUT the Celtics and Lakers of 2008 are nothing like the Celtics and Lakers of the 1980s! Those 2 teams did have a history, but the current batch was basically just established after the trades earlier this year. Most of the key folks (aside from Pierce and Bryant et el) were in the clubs as a result of trades made!! It's just so much hype on the NBA's side to spruce up ratings following the many years of rating slumps partially due to the Spurs dominance and publicity lackluster in a way.

And I still say Suns next year! What Steve Kerr should do is just let Shaq sit on the bench and slowly fade away.